









  タイトル英訳   日本語訳

Ordering sweets to accompany your coffee|Kyorakudo "Hitotsubu no Muscat"


  本文英訳   日本語訳

When I am stuck at home and can't go out, all I can see is the same unchanging scenery. So, to change my mood, I ordered some seasonal delicacies to go with my coffee. Kyorakudo's "Hitotsubu no Muscat", a confectionery made by wrapping a whole Muscat of Alexandria in gyuhi (a kind of rice cake).


Are muscats in season around July? The words used to describe the season of fruits are, in order, "Hashiri," "Sakari," and "Nagori," and current period is called "Hashiri. This is the time ahead of the peak season. Muscats at this time of the season are smaller and more acidic. According to the enclosed instructions, eating the first food of the season will prolong your life by 75 days. This is enough time for rumors to fade away. There's even a saying that people's rumors last for 75 days.
マスカットの旬は7月頃?果物の旬を表す言葉には、順に「はしり」「さかり」「なごり」がありますが、今の時期は「はしり」と呼ばれています。これはピークシーズンの前の時期です。 この時期のマスカットは小ぶりで酸味が強い。同封されている説明書によると、季節の最初の食べ物を食べると75日長生きするそうです。これは噂が風化するのに十分な時間です。人の噂も75日という言葉があるくらいですからね。


The sourness and bitterness of the muscats gave me a feeling of satisfaction that I get when I eat fresh fruit, and the aroma and texture of the gyuhi were so exquisite that I could understand why they made it into a confectionary instead of just eating the muscat as it is.


It would be a good accompaniment to a fruity iced coffee brewed with light roasted beans. I think the acidity of the muscats harvested during the "hashiri" season would go well with coffee at this time of year.
軽めに焙煎した豆で淹れたフルーティーなアイスコーヒーとの相性も良さそうです。 ハシリ」の時期に収穫されたマスカットの酸味が、この時期のコーヒーによく合うと思います。


When I can't travel or shop, it's nice to be able to shop online. Even in these times, the seasons come and go, and so do the seasons of delicious food.

The lack of change in our daily lives makes us feel stagnant, and we need a change of pace. Enjoying the local flavors can be a simulated experience of traveling.






  • seasonal delicacies
  • There's even a saying that — .
  • eat 〜 as it is
  • — , and so do 〜
  • feel stagnant
  • a change of pace
  • a simulated experience of 〜

   これまでピックアップした単語と表現 アーカイブ



